Friday, May 7, 2010

Ford' s hemp car

Ford built a car made of 70% cellulose fibers, including industrial hemp, mixed with a resin binder-the material was ten times stronger than those of ordinary cars. See the guy with the axe?

Glenn Beck-how to manipulate the person in front of the TV screen

In this short clip you'll see how Glenn Beck tries to manipulate public opinion with a bunch of nonsense crap.

therockcookiebottom:great song!

Did you know that the Europeans have used hemp for at least 9000 years? How come you don't find this in history books?

Did you know that the original Constitution of the United States is printed on hemp paper?

Lincoln was actually the only president who didn't own slaves.

Fuggi dalle Cure: la storia di Rick Simpson

Questo documentario del 2008, racconta la storia di Rick Simpson e della sua lotta contro le autorità. Il documentario è la testimonianza di come la sostanza THC presente nella cannabis, sia la medicina universale in grado di combattere malattie quali artrosi, glaucoma, aids, cancro (anche in stato terminale):in genere ogni tipo di alterazione cellulare; regola il metabolismo e rafforza lo stato immunitario. Il video è anche una testimonianza di come questa pianta sia stata demonizzata da parte delle autorità, attraverso una massiccia campania antidroga negli anni 20 e 30 . Capirai la manipolazione della comunità medica e dei mass media, e il motivo per cui questa pianta non sia stata integrata nel processo di produzione. Infatti le qualità di questa pianta sono molte: la cannabis può essere usata non solo come medicina, ma anche per la produzione della carta, dell'olio, del carburante e del tessuto.
Il mio consiglio: trova del fumo, non è difficile trovarlo dove abiti te. Anche solo fumandolo, ne sentirai l'effetto rilassativo e anche medicinale(Rick Simpson raccomanda tuttavia di usare l'olio della pianta). Preferibilmente dovresti fumare la maria, pura, senza tabacco. Però, ricordando bene, dalle tue parti si trova solo il fumo, che è un derivato-ma comunque molto ricco di THC.Ricordati che, una canna di sola maria, non è una sigaretta. Le sigarette fanno venire il cancro (le piantagioni di tabacco, infatti, vengono trattate con pesticidi radioattivi)mentre la maria rafforza le cellule del corpo.

Dedicated to all evangelists and preachers :)

Jessie Ventura-ex governatore americano

Jessie Ventura è un mito!!

L'importanza di educarsi riguardo la Cannabis

La silenziosa guerra sulla Cannabis..continua!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

History of Cannabis

Documentario sulla manipolazione di massa riguardo il caso della cannabis. Ci sono sempre gli evangelisti di mezzo—e la loro egemonia.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

covertress: Time Traveler Arrested at CERN Escapes

covertress: Time Traveler Arrested at CERN Escapes

HAHAHA this is a funny news! A time traveler from the future who wants to sabotage the CERN machine and fails in doing so! (April fool-joke)

The hair style doesn't convince me (this is the man from the article below)

More on time travelers

This show is from 2008 (There are no English subtitles)
It tells the story of a time traveler, and the shows manage to deal the topic in a rational way. This show actually finds strong evidence that the entire story is a hoax to make money through copyright. Still, the story is intriguing! And I've always loved the idea to travel through time :)

Man from the future? Time Traveler Caught in Museum Photo?

I know this is a crazy idea, and I don't have any evidence to make this believable. Do you think there are time travelers among us?
Click on the title of this thread to read the article!! (where it says "Man from the future?")

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Stanley Kubrick—coincidence?

Is it a coincidence that Stanley Kubrick brings up water fluoridation in the movie Dr. Strangelove, from 1964?

When you start looking into the Aspartame-issue, it all makes sense.
Look who pushed for an approval from the FDA, in 1980.
Watch out for this code when buying a product: E951

You're a fucking fake, smurf!!This man is put on the screen to scare you from Colloidal Silver.

Colloidal Silver—another kind of alternative cure

Here is another example of alternative medicine, which they are trying to suppress and demonize in the media. Now listen:I've taking the silver for months. I've talked to old people who have taken the silver since their infancy. The woman I spoke to said they used to take the silver regularly during the thirties and forties—and then antibiotic came along.(antibiotic:"against life")

Drug Testing in Swedish School

A Swedish high school has introduced drug testing.Now, if you look at The Union-video, right here below,at 1:18:30, you'll find the reason why they are pushing forward on this issue!
The simple reason is that they are actually making money out of this!As the article explains, no one in that school can force a young student to take the test, but the student can choose to take "a voluntary drug test." Hahaha, what's the fucking point??
Sadly, the fucking point is that they are probably trying to establish (or expand)a new market on drug testing. Do you think this is a theory, or fact?
To read the article, click on the link above!

The Union—the reason behind the demonization of Cannabis

After watching this video you'll understand why they've always demonized Cannabis.
This plant is a threat to other raw materials, and doesn't respect the principle of scarcity. Since the plant is generally easy to grow, there's no way to control it—thus no profit.
Cannabis is a holistic plant. You can basically use it for everything you can imagine: as paper, medicine, oil, textile; It can be used as a dietary supplement,(being rich of omega 3) and can also be used for water and soil purification. I can go on and on...
For those who say that 'cannabis kills your braincells', please watch at 07.45!

Run From the Cure—great vid about hemp as medicine!!

After watching "Time Out", I came across this video. It tells the story of Rick Simpson. Authorities allow all kinds of poisons in the food, but when it come to alternative cures, they issue strict regulations!

Laws are good, but laws can also serve unjust systems(Harold Channer said this,once. I think he was quoting someone).

Time Out: poisons in food and water

Let's focus on poisons in food and water, like Aspartame and Fluoride.
The show is from last year. Please, watch the entire video, because it deals with issues that we have to acknowledge.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Man claims to have had no food or drink for 70 years.

I heard of a similar case some years ago...Do you think this old man just got up of his bed one morning and decided to deceive the whole world?Can you call this news "a fact", or is it only media-manipulation?